Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's five by five for Darren Aronofsky

I've seen Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, and The Wrestler, and found them all affecting films. Very different stories and settings, but one could argue that the story is not the point in his work, by which I mean a written version wouldn't feel so stirring. His use of visuals and sound (including faithful composer Clint Mansell) is essential to the whole. Sometimes what he shows is horrifying, sometimes mystifying, sometimes neither, but it always seems to touch a nerve in me.

I'm not saying all movies should be like this - one of my favorites, Howard Hawks, preferred a rather low-key approach and let the characters and dialog carry the story. Both ways, and others, are perfectly valid. But it's really refreshing to see an Aronofsky film every now and then.

This long-winded preamble was just to say that now I've finally seen Black Swan, too. As with The Fountain, it took some time before I was absorbed in the proceedings, possibly in part because I know nothing of ballet. But I don't have to comprehend the artistic side to see it's brutal, body-breaking work that's supposed to look easy, echoing The Wrestler. Things build and build and towards the last third I was completely riveted.

I wasn't as devastated as after watching Requiem (which I still haven't seen again), but most definitely affected. It's a great film about obsession and perfection, even though I don't plan repeating the experience soon.

Every last seat was sold and my neck will feel the suboptimal location tomorrow. Suffering for your art, indeed.

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